where the cornflakes are

this blog may appear to be experiencing an on-going existential crisis - it isn't quite sure whether it's about knitting, crip stuff or life in general

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

With the weight of the world on his shoulders...

Well, just the weight of the Chocolate Factory really. Via the fab team over at Ouch! I discovered a fascinating fact about the re-make of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

The 165 Oompa Loompas responsible for the production of Wonka's wonderful confectionary are actually played by just one short-statured man, Deep Roy, who has also kicked a bit of vampire-arse in Buffy The Vampire Slayer and waved some big light sticks in various Star Wars movies.

So if this guy has got it pretty much under control, does that mean I should stop waiting around wearing a green skivvy and white overalls in the hope of an invitation to go and play in a fantasy land with Jonny Depp and obscene amounts of chocolate? Damn!


At 3:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOH he was in buffy? Now I am interested. Are you a buffy fan? It is in my top five all time shows.. (Recent entrant: battlestar galactica, though that's another story altogether, and I have seen precisely zero short statured peeps on that show)

At 10:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you'd be great as an oompa loompa! Missed you at SnB tonight, i even brought along your present!

At 7:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Johnny Depp and obscene amounts of chocolate....mmmmm!!

At 10:15 am, Blogger Katie said...

I thought the piece on Ouch was very strange! I think they must have been bored in the office and decided to write that out of boredom, but it's very cool though!
Love your blog! It's great!
Check my bog if you want!
Also check out my groovy comments on Ouch's spanking brilliant weblog!

At 8:22 pm, Blogger Luke said...

"Tweeny Weeny Productions Ltd" lol

At 3:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just checking in. Hope you're doing okay.


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